Oceana Releases Study: 8 of 10 Americans Support the Shark Fin Ban

Dustin Titus
August 14, 2016

The marine conservationist organization Oceana has recently released a study indicating 8 out of 10 Americans support the nationwide ban of shark fin trading. This has come after the creation of the bipartisan Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act, which would make the trade of fins illegal on US soil. The study polled 1,000 Americans online between July 12-15, 2016. Primarily discovered was the overwhelming agreement of Americans in the belief that shark finning is a cruel and wasteful practice. Shark finning is currently banned in US waters, but the trade of those same fins will remain legal until the Act is passed.  

Oceana campaign director, Laura Snyder explains, "The demand for shark fins, a demand the U.S. currently perpetuates, encourages the cruel and wasteful practice of shark finning and is decimating shark populations worldwide, much like the demand for elephant tusks and rhino horns has severely jeopardized those animal populations. Currently, 11 U.S. states have taken action to protect sharks and have banned the sale of fins, but the rest of the country needs to follow their example. The American public knows that shark fins have no place in the United States.”

It is hoped that the release of this study will push Congress to pass the Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act. As many as 73 million sharks per year are finned, and at this rate, the magnificent creature may only have a few years before it's total extinction. The fins are largely used for the Asian delicacy shark fin soup, where the shredded fins are added only for their texture. As the demand for this luxury dish continues, the sharks remain in danger.

Making a positive change to protect the sharks begins with the public awareness of the problem. This study shows that the first step of protection is being made, but we still have a long way to go. Sign the petition created to push Congress to ban the trade of shark fins.

For more information on the study and for the full press release, visit Oceana.

View the video on the ban of shark fins here.

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Written By:

Dustin Titus

Managing Director and Conservation Enthusiast. Dustin manages United Conservationists by night and and builds Fin Free by Day.