The Search For Rob Stewart: Thank You

Fin Free
February 7, 2017

Thank you to all those who worked tirelessly in the search for Rob Stewart, and thank you to all who pledged their continued support through kind thoughts and words.  The search was not easy, it is only with the overwhelming help we received from all corners of the globe that we were able to find him. We offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Rob; he was a man unparalleled in his passion and in his dedication to the ocean, and an inspiration to all.

The incredible level of support we received exhibited how much Rob touched us all. Forever in our hearts and minds, Rob will lead us forward with his vision for a better world. He wanted us all to work together to make the world a better place for sharks, and for each other. And together we are going to do just that. We will not stop fighting for the protection of our sharks, our oceans, and our world.

“Fighting for a brighter future is the best thing you can do for your health, happiness, and well-being.” -Rob Stewart


Written By:

Fin Free

#FinFree is an inspiring movement for protecting #sharks by eliminating the demand for shark fins.